So it's come to light that Reggie Bush received hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of gifts while playing for the Univeristy of Southern California. I suppose this sort of thing happens pretty often even though it's strictly prohibited. What gets me is NOT the fact that it is going on. I'm sure plenty of amateur athletes receive gifts and bribes under the table. What gets me is the way that Pete Carroll (the coach) and RB respond.
This got ME thinking about what WE think when we choose to do something we know is wrong. How do we justify it in our mind? Do we make excuses? Do we think about getting caught? Do we think about the cost? Does anyone plan on getting caught? Does anyone ever really "get away" with anything?
I wonder what Pete's disappointed about. I'm thinking he's disappointed that this all came out. What turn did this matter take that Bush regrets? The fact that he got caught?"I'm absolutely shocked and disappointed in the findings of the NCAA. I never thought it would come to this." Pete Carroll
"I have a great love for the University of Southern California, and I very much regret the turn that this matter has taken, not only for USC, but for the fans and players." Reggie Bush
This got ME thinking about what WE think when we choose to do something we know is wrong. How do we justify it in our mind? Do we make excuses? Do we think about getting caught? Do we think about the cost? Does anyone plan on getting caught? Does anyone ever really "get away" with anything?